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World Water Day on Sunday, March 22 at Honaunau

par Communications Sylvie Bibeau 21 Mars 2015, 02:21 World Water Day Vitality and Wellness course Ho'oponopono Benediction of water Masaru Emoto Heart Circle Sylvie Bibeau Honaunau Dana Tomasino Unfify

World Water Day on Sunday, March 22 at Honaunau

Sunday, March 22 is the WORLD WATER DAY. It is a great pleasure for us to invite you at the celebrations in Honaunau.

In honor of the beautiful, living, intelligent, highly evolved Being that is Water, we have organized some activities:

After a great swim with our beloved dolphins, tropical fishes and contemplation of the whales,

I invite you at my practice of Vitality and Wellness course, including the Tibetans Rites at Manini Beach from 11 am to 12:30 pm.

We will proceed at a Tribute to Dr. MASARU EMOTO with Blessing and Benediction of the Water with Ho'oponopono and Meditation from 12:30 pm to 1 pm. All are invited to join the group for to play music or others contributions for the celebration.

From 1 pm, we will make a great feast with a Community Potluck. Each bring food to share. Please bring your beverages, plates, glasses and utensils.

Dana Tomasino will be holding a Community Heart Circle at and IN the ocean at Two-Step from 2:45 to approx 3:30 pm.

We will be contributing to the global "LOVE WATER" initiative organized by Unify.org -- Go to this website to learn more about it, register (free) to access the all-day broadcasts of different speakers talking about water and water blessing ceremonies being broadcast all over the world!

All over the world at 3 pm in each time zone, people are invited to "go to a live source of water in your region with your community to bless and receive the blessing of water." So that is what we will be doing!

Let's start on land right at 2:45 (please arrive a little earlier if you can) and then we will get into the water and continue blessing and receiving the blessings of our beautiful Ocean from there. We will initially meet near the picnic tables and then go out on the lava toward the second entry to the water (forward and toward the right from the picnic tables.) Bring your snorkels, masks, fins, sunglasses and sunhat if you need them. Also please bring a vessel of drinking water.

There is a lot that can be accomplished by the power of a group amplified heart field. It will be an honor to come together to connect with one of the most amazing consciousnesses on our Planet --WATER!

At the pleasure to see you for these great activities in honour of our so precious water,

With all our peace, love and gratitude…Namastaloha!

Sylvie Bibeau and Dana Tomasino

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