In this period of major transformation around the world, it is a pleasure for me, to offer my professional services in Vitality & Wellness.
I live permanently in Hawaii. Treatments and consultations can be done in person or online, with Skype, Messenger or Zoom.
With the magic of the internet, you can benefit from the beautiful and vibrant energies of Hawaii, in the spirit of Aloha. See below for more information.
With great expertise in the area of health and wellness, I have developed revolutionary, powerful and effectives methods to help you to improve your health, find who you really are and reach your full potential.
My journey to wellness
My journey to Wellness - Communications Sylvie Bibeau
With great expertise in the area of health and wellness, I have developed revolutionary, powerful and effectives methods to help you improve your health, find who you really are and reach your full
Energetic Healing Session
I became a certified Lumino-Energetic Therapist and Light Passer in 2005. I have continued to improve my practice which has become ever more efficient.
This powerful treatment of light and divine energies allows you to completely re-harmonize your energetic bodies, as well as reconnect and unify body, soul and spirit.
I begin to process of energy cleansing of your bodies, chakras and energy centers. This technique allows a deep release of your energy blockages and traumas, conscious and unconscious with crystallized in your vibrations.
The work is done as much on the mental, emotional level as on your physical body, in symbiosis with your soul and your divine self; then will allow you you to go towards who you really are in your pure essence.
This process also helps you to become more grounded and gives you more strength, calm, confidence, clarity and serenity. We are increasing your vibrational level, with will bring you great benefits.
Since 2011, I have developed communication with the cetaceans on Big Island, Hawaii. Since I received their activations, I work often with the energy of whales and dolphins in my energy care, in addition to the powerful energies of divine light.
I also proceed to the activation of highly vibrational frequency codes and keys which will continue their work in you, after the treatment. Each healing session is adapted to your needs.
Consultations in person in Maui or online with Skype, Messenger or Zoom.
Price: $70/ 1 hour or $100/90 minutes
PAYMENT via Paypal or Western Union
Transform Your Life Consultation
Many of you need help to get through this time of great change. The world situation in which we live, incites us to find our strength and our interior peace in order to go towards a life better aligned with the deep desires of our heart.
The more of us there are tho remain positive and to join together in healthy and nourishing projects in order to contribute to a better world, more the situation will be able to improve quickly.
- You want to make changes in your life and you don’t know how to get there
- You no longer feel in your place
- You have changed and you no longer recognize yourself
- Your life does not bring you satisfaction
- You face instability and financial difficulties
- You cherish a dream that calls you from the bottom of your heart and you do not know how to get there
- You are not happy, you are stressed and have fears
- You are without energy or disoriented
- You cannot get out of the same patterns
- You feel blocked and you need help
This method is fast and very effective.
For the release of blockages, conscious and unconscious trauma.
Before the consultation, you must write in advance what you want to improve. Always positively describe your goal, as if it has already been accomplished.
The consultation begins with energetic healing treatment, if you need it.
We will proceed to the liberation of your personal problems from this life and from the other incarnations of your soul, as well as those of your ancestors and transgenerational memories; in short, everything that prevents you from feeling good, form realizing yourself fully and more easily.
I work a lot with your body's reactions because your body is talking to you. He is your best friend if you can listen to him. Often, your discomfort is a great indicator to help you understand your ill-being. The emotions that lodge there are often the call of your heart.
Once we have healed what was to be cut, released, healed and transmuted, we will work to reprogram the new informations. We will activate them energetically that you will vibrate by visualizing yourself on your way with the achievement of what you desire.
In a very high vibrational state, you will experience the process of achieving your goals once accomplished, aligned with your soul, from the bottom of your heart.
I often use the Tapohono method that I created. It is very efficient and effective in helping you to dislodge blockages and release the origin of what your soul has chosen to come and settle in this incarnation.
Here is an article about the Tapohono workshops that I led during my Vitality & Wellness Camp in Percé, Québec. Private coaching is much more powerful, however.
Ateliers Tapohono, libérations et reprogrammations - Communications Sylvie Bibeau
Sylvie Bibeau Je suis fière d'offrir l'atelier de Tapohono, une méthode révolutionnaire que j'ai développé, qui permet de libérer les traumatismes et blocages de façon rapide et très effica...
Camp Vitalité & Mieux-être à Percé - Communications Sylvie Bibeau
Aloha!...Il me fait plaisir de vous convier à un Camp " Vitalité & Mieux-être " où je vous partagerai quelques enseignements et méthodes révolutionnaires qui sont le fruit de mes 22 ans de pr...
I also teach practical methods to help you harmonize your relationships and recover situations. This technique allows you to free all your emotions, cut the negative links and reprogram yourself on what you want.
I also developed the "I AM" Mapping technique, which is another way that helps you to understand what you want from the bottom of your being, and to detect where your blockages come from.
Consultations are always adapted according to your needs. I will give you tools so that you can continue the process after the consultation.
For a consultation via internet, by Skype or Messenger, you must provide a place to lie down during the treatment, as well as a place to write with paper and pencils for the next part. Be prepared with the list of what you want to improve in your life. You will be in a seated position for reprogramming.
Watch your dreams and synchronicities well before the meeting because possibly you will receive signs or messages ... the work begins from your commitment to undertake this process.
Price: $200 / 3 hours session
$300/ 5 hours: 3 hours session
+ 2 hours according to your needs after the session
Consultations in person in Maui or online with Skype, Messenger or Zoom.
PAYMENT via Paypal ou Western Union
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Personal Bach Flowers " I AM "
The Bach Flowers wonderfully complement the care and consultations I offer. I prepare them in blue glass bottles, maximizing their dynamism, with a logo that I created with sacred geometry.
I channel your personalized mantra for you.
This prescription will help you move towards what you are, in your pure essence, aligned with your I Am, your Higher self.
Price: $50/bottle
$40/bottle, if you receive an Energetic Healing or Consultation.
Add delivery charges by mail, depending on where you live.
$25/Formula only, with your personalized mantra. You will need to have your bottle of flower essences prepared at a location offering this service in your area.
PAYMENT with Paypal or Western Union
Payez Sylvie Bibeau avec PayPal.Me
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To reach me:
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