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Dragonfly Ranch is proud to join The Shift Network with the « 21.12.12 Peace and Love Event», from 11 a.m to 2 p.m., on Friday, December 21.
The « 21.12.12 Peace and Love Event» :
11 a.m.
Walking Meditation on the Rainbow Labyrinth with Barbara Moore, owner of the Dragonfly Ranch,
5 Tibetan Rites Communing with the dolphins and whales with Sylvie Bibeau, reporter, animator and Networker, Communications VIP Sylvie Bibeau,
Peace and Love Concert, Yumi Kikuchi & Gen Morita, musiciens activists and directors of Hawaii College of Oriental Medecine,
1 pm
Potluck, Please bring healthy organic love-filled food
The Dragonfly Ranch is located at 84-5146, Keala O Keawe Road,Honaunau-Kona, HI 96726 just above the historic Pu’uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park.